Military Casa in Pictures!

If a picture is worth a thousand words we have much to say, from the Holidays to Discipleship to Family! The Airmen involved with Casa are growing in their faith, evangelism, and discipleship. It’s our goal to train Airmen to reach the lost in the Military and then replicate using hospitality.

Penny and I will embark on a brief home assignment in the next couple months. We will be visiting different areas where our partners in ministry reside to share the exciting news of what God is doing in the hearts of our Airmen! We figure it will take us a few summers to visit everyone so if you don’t get a visit immediately, be patient, we will get to you!

Our service members have been attending our training sessions called DISCIPLE, to learn how to have a heart for the lost and the tools to share Christ with fellow Airmen and disciple them. Please continue to pray for us as we invest in them and for them as they scatter to the ends of the earth through the Military sharing the Gospel with the Military!

Enjoy our pictures of Military and Family! We appreciate all of you who pray for us and partner financially with us each month. Without you…these pictures and this ministry would not exist! Thank you for your faithfulness!

Thank you for believing in and praying for us! You are a vital and important part of this ministry! Blessings!

“We loved you so much that we shared with you not only the Gospel of God, but our own lives, too.” 1 Thessalonians 2:8

Fall 2023 Military Casa Update!

With the mess the world is in, it’s a pleasure to serve the Airmen of Ellsworth Air Force Base! Our fall has been full of activity, Bible Study, and Discipleship! We continue to support the Cadence missionaries here, Peter & Tanya Kinney and had a wonderful time with them at their first weekend retreat and studied the book of Ephesians and facilitated great discussion in application to our lives. Sharing the Gospel, outdoor activities, Baptisms, and lots of fellowship has encompassed our time! We will leave you with pictures to share our story…as usual!

Thanks for taking time to see our ministry to Ellsworth Air Force Base! As always, we covet your prayers as we continue to disciple Airmen so that they may reach the Military for the Lord! May your Christmas be blessed as you celebrate the true meaning of Christmas!

 “In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. – John 1: 4-5

Military Casa Update!

Hello partners in ministry! We have lots of pictures to update you on our first year in ministry with Military Casa. For those of you who do not follow us on social media, we apologize this update has been long in the making, but we feel you will quickly see that the Lord is active in our endeavors and we are meeting our goals to reach the Airmen of Ellsworth AFB for Christ and teach them HOW to do the same to the Airmen they work around each day! We appreciate each of you who partner with us financially and pray for us and our Airmen.

We have set up ministry and the house in which we do ministry, obtained base passes, and are building good relationships with our Chaplains. There has been lots of projects and work and we’ve been blessed to have Airmen help. Penny has been faithfully investing into the ladies and Todd the men, discipling them in Bible study and theology so they may be equipped to do ministry! Currently, we have one Airmen who is leading a Bible Study on the book of Mark in his dorm on base! God is working in the lives of our Airmen and we rejoice as we see them grow. This growth produces missionaries who will travel all over the World through the military when they PCS proclaiming the Good News of Christ!

Saying goodbye to Jerwinn who finished his time in the Air Force
Band of Brothers Discipleship Group. Studying Scripture, theology, and praying for each other
Birthdays are important and we celebrate them!
Another night of study, goals, and prayer!
Doing manly things like BBQing!
John, getting ready to lead his first night of Bible Study on Ellsworth AFB
The B21, coming soon to our Airbase!
We have built a strong relationship with the Cadence couple here and help them with their ministry night each week.
Penny and Tanya cooking food for the Airmen
Saying goodbye to another Airmen
Todd gets opportunity to teach Bible Study occasionally, which he enjoys immensely!
Todd introduced “Night at the Cross” to our Airmen. It was a Good Friday tradition all the years while doing Youth Ministry!
The food just before Night at the Cross!
One of the joys of ministry is seeing Servicemembers you worked with from different ministry sites. John was home on leave from Hawaii and brought his friends by to meet us!
Cutting down a Christmas tree with Airmen
Nori, enjoying a warm house and the warmth of Christmas!
Christmas Dinner at Military Casa!
Penny cooked up quite the spread!
A big thanks to Chaplain Johnson joining us on Christmas Day!
Todd Serving at Freedom Chapel on Base, playing drums!
Traditionally, we celebrate New Years Eve together doing a movie marathon and eating junk food potluck! Keeps Airmen out of trouble!
Chaplain sponsored Super Bowl party on Base!
Hiking Black Elk Mountain in the winter
Exploring Wind Cave together!
Exploring the Cave
We try to host a dinner after our events out, always a joy!
Swimming at Evans Plunge Hot Mineral Springs!
We had a little snow this winter!
Skiing at Terry Peak!
Badlands trip!
Exploring Jewel Cave.
Black Elk Peak in the Summer!
Dinner out afterwards!
Helping with VBS on Ellsworth AFB!
Serving at the Christian Music Festival Hills Alive in Rapid City
The Band Sanctus Real praying before performing
The Band For King and Country praying before stepping onto the stage to perform
…and sometimes our Airmen perform at Military Casa!
Our little Penny Rose is growing up!
Kelsey and Penny Rose. Kelsey is a full time Customer Service Manager at Hobby Lobby
Out sledding with family
Emily proudly showing off our second grandchild!
Representing Military Casa at the Missions Conference at our home church in Alaska
God gave us a grand finale of Northern Lights at the end of the Conference!
Penny spending time with an Airmen cooking and talking about Jesus!

Thanks so much for taking the time to catch up with us and our Airmen at Ellsworth AFB! We appreciate each of you and your interest and investment into God’s ministry to these wonderful people!

A New Chapter in Ministry!

We arrived in the Black Hills of South Dakota, June 7th, to establish ministry with Ellsworth Air Force Base! It was a good move and God has been blessing every step of the process and we are SO THANKFUL to each of you who transitioned with us to Military Casa. Your prayers have been felt and your financial partnership has made it all possible, we are a team!

The first 8 weeks we lived in a camper belonging to our friends as we finished paperwork for the non profit and searched for a home. God blessed us with a house in a wonderful location in Rapid City not far from the Base and the Black Hills are literally in our back yard, so adventure with our Airmen is close at hand! We have a wonderful relationship with the Cadence International Missionaries here, Peter & Tanya Kinney, and we help them every Thursday night with their home cooked meal and Bible Study. Together we are stronger than we are separate so we tag team in ministry to the men and women of Ellsworth Air Force Base.

Our ministry focuses on discipleship, teaching Airmen how to reach Airmen for Christ and disciple them utilizing hospitality. Todd has 4 men faithfully meeting for Band of Brothers on Monday nights and Penny is beginning to build relationships with the women to disciple them. We also provide outings into the Black Hills as opportunity for those we disciple to invite those they are building relationships with to hear the Gospel through our actions as well as our words.

As always, pictures tell a better story than words, so please enjoy our journey!

Click on any picture to see the full image 😌

Thanks for catching up with us, we appreciate you! If you haven’t been our website please do so!

The Birth of Military Casa

As we mentioned at Christmas, we have exciting news to share with you this Spring! Well, Spring has sprung…and we began a new venture we are pleased to share with you!

We look with much anticipation to serving our Lord and Savior, Jesus at Ellsworth AFB! If you haven’t seen our website yet, please check it out! We also have a social media presence on Instagram, Vimeo, and Facebook! Search for Military Casa and follow us!

Military Life & Ministry in Oahu!

It’s been a while since we updated you, our partners, in ministry on what’s going on here in Oahu. We promise you…we’ve not been taking a siesta on the beach lazing the days away! Covid restrictions are gone for good (we pray) as of March 25, 2022! That means no limitations on size of groups, masks, or travel! Praise the Lord! Our numbers are starting to pick back up at Home Port and we still have two other homes that are open alongside us in different places on the Island. Todd continues to teach via zoom from Home Port to the other houses and we all serve the same food. Ministry has been plentiful and our personal lives have been quite busy!

We so appreciate each of you that pray for the ministry here and/or support it financially. We feel it and appreciate your faithfulness to uplift us and our service members to the Lord! They have had difficult times, sometimes dealing with toxic leadership, covid restrictions, and most of the Pearl Harbor Joint Base Housing suffered a jet fuel leak into their water system. This has caused most of them to evacuate base in search for alternate housing where it is already in such short supply and very expensive. Well over 60K people are affected. Please keep them in your prayers. Also, as tensions rise in the world between Ukraine and Russia many feel the weight of this. Join us in keeping our warriors in prayer.

There are a lot of photos below, but I wanted to bring you up to speed, so enjoy seeing our military Ohana and us do life together as we share the gospel and teach them to do the same!

Band of Brothers Men’s Bible Study
Band of Brothers Men’s Bible Study
Band of Brothers Mens Bible Study
Christmas Party Ginger Bread House Competitions
Christmas Party Ginger Bread House Competitions
White Elephant Gift Exchange
Penny making cookies with a Service member’s daughters
Ready for Christmas Dinner!
Ready for Christmas Dinner!
Ready for Christmas Dinner!
Ready for Christmas Dinner!
Ready for Christmas Dinner!
Ready for Christmas Dinner!
Christmas Dinner!
Home Port kids coloring beautifully!
New Years Eve we had a movie marathon with good clean fun!
We hosted a steak dinner to thank our Chaplains we work with at Pearl Harbor/Hickam and Scholfield Barracks
(l to r) Paul & Sandra Bradley (our boss) Chaplain Potter & family, and Chaplain Braswell and his wife
Todd has the honor of playing for Pearl Harbor and Scholfield Barracks chapels for worship!
Kelsey is gainfully employed at Dave’s Ice Cream! She is getting really strong arms scooping ice cream!
Mother and Daughter
One of Todd’s old youth group kids is a pilot in the Air Force! He happened to be on island for a day.
One of our service members being baptized by Chaplain Potter
Penny and her ladies having a planning meeting and breakfast!
Baby Shower!
Intense game of cards with some of our Home Port Ohana!
Breakfast for Dinner is always a Winner!
Home Cooked Food, Fellowship, and Bible Study! Nourishment for Body & Soul!
Ya, It actually gets cold in Hawaii sometines!
Oh Nori!
Todd talking to the guys before dinner
Todd, Guhn, & Kurt performing at a coffee shop playing Christian Music for our Home Port Ohana and the Public.
Hikes with our service members!
Hikes with our service members!
Hikes with our service members!
A typical Friday Night Bible Study & Prayer
A typical Friday Night Bible Study & Prayer
Praying before Dinner!
Praying for and saying goodbye to the Linder Family
Saying goodbye to the Brendle Family
The Beauty of Hawaii surrounds us!
The Beauty of Hawaii surrounds us!
The Beauty of Hawaii surrounds us!
The Beauty of Hawaii surrounds us!
The Beauty of Hawaii surrounds us!
The Beauty of Hawaii surrounds us!
Kelsey making sure her dad stays fit climbing Koko Head!
Kelsey making sure her dad stays fit climbing Koko Head!
Kelsey making sure her dad stays fit climbing Koko Head!
Kelsey making sure her dad stays fit climbing Koko Head!
Backside of Koko Head
View of Koko Head from the Ocean
Nori posing for her portrait!
Nori enjoys the extra attention and our service members really enjoy playing with her!
Nori getting some love
Todd had the opportunity to be a part of a very rare opportunity that happened on Dec. 7th, the day Pearl Harbor was attacked. He helped interr possibly the last shipmate of the USS Arizona
Todd had the opportunity to be a part of a very rare opportunity that happened on Dec. 7th, the day Pearl Harbor was attacked. He helped interr possibly the last shipmate of the USS Arizona
Todd had the opportunity to be a part of a very rare opportunity that happened on Dec. 7th, the day Pearl Harbor was attacked. He helped interr possibly the last shipmate of the USS Arizona
Todd had the opportunity to be a part of a very rare opportunity that happened on Dec. 7th, the day Pearl Harbor was attacked. He helped interr possibly the last shipmate of the USS Arizona
Todd had the opportunity to be a part of a very rare opportunity that happened on Dec. 7th, the day Pearl Harbor was attacked. He helped interr possibly the last shipmate of the USS Arizona
Todd had the opportunity to be a part of a very rare opportunity that happened on Dec. 7th, the day Pearl Harbor was attacked. He helped interr possibly the last shipmate of the USS Arizona
Todd had the opportunity to be a part of a very rare opportunity that happened on Dec. 7th, the day Pearl Harbor was attacked. He helped interr possibly the last shipmate of the USS Arizona
Todd had the opportunity to be a part of a very rare opportunity that happened on Dec. 7th, the day Pearl Harbor was attacked. He helped interr possibly the last shipmate of the USS Arizona
Todd had the opportunity to be a part of a very rare opportunity that happened on Dec. 7th, the day Pearl Harbor was attacked. He helped interr possibly the last shipmate of the USS Arizona
We celebrated the arrival of our first Grand baby, Penny Rose! Congrats Dale and Emily!
We celebrated the arrival of our first Grand baby, Penny Rose! Congrats Dale and Emily!
Todd holding his daughter Emily
Todd holding his Grand daughter Penny Rose!
Nana enjoying some snuggle time!
In the same week our Grand daughter was born Todd lost his mother
Both of his biological parents are gone now.
Penny and her quilting ladies she teaches. They work on quilts and of course, much mentorship happens through life discussions and the Word of God!
I guess quilting ladies go to the bathroom together!
Cheryl’s first quilt!
Thankful for John & Elizabeth Nussbaum coming to help do some work around Home Port!
Thankful for John & Elizabeth Nussbaum coming to help do some work around Home Port!
The Mayer’s came over to visit us and Eric helped Todd with some Home Port Projects as well!
Spending the day at the beach with the Page family!

Thanks for taking the time to catch up on all that is happened in the last several months! We love you all and anticipate the day we get to see you in the future, either here or there or in the air! May God get all the praise for what He is doing in our lives and the lives of our service members!

Blessings from the Beaudin’s!

Quarantine Ministry in Hawaii

Much has changed in our world in 6 months and it has certainly changed the ministry of Home Port! Hawaii has become a very difficult place to live and work because of the excessive measures of quarantine and lockdown. We were slowly opening up in June but by August we were back to where much of America was in March and April. From March through May we could only do Zoom as any visitors or gathering were forbidden. In June and July we could meet in groups of 10 but no larger. Now we are back to where we were from March to April with a lot of hope that things will eventually change. Pray for us! We desperately want to meet face to face again and we continually look for any work around! Before Covid we would average between 20 to 50 service members on a Friday night for a home cooked meal and Bible Study. From March through May we changed and met via Zoom. When Hawaii opened to only 10 people we changed again and met as a group of 10 at Home Port and also a group of 10 at another Military family’s house as a Home Port extension with more homes coming on board so that we could all fellowship in person. We ate the same food and did the same Bible study via Zoom, Todd teaching from the Home Port living room. It was great! Then the State decided 10 people was too much and we went to 5 people. So we quickly changed once again and asked multiple family’s to open their homes on Friday night to serve the same food and same Bible study via Zoom as Todd would teach from Home Port. But that never happened as the state changed the ordinance back to no visitors and no groups. So we are back to just Zoom as of the writing of this Blog post.

No matter, life goes on and we continue to be present in peoples lives via phone, text, zoom and in emergencies we connect to help someone. We’ve monopolized on an empty house to update and paint! We are still working with our Chaplains to figure out how to serve them in this difficult time the best we can. Yet, the chapel we attended and served alongside the chaplains down on Pearl Harbor has remained shut since March. We know it’s not only us that Covid has affected but we still covet your prayers. On a positive note, God has kept us all healthy!

Well, as usual, I’ll let the pictures tell the story. Enjoy!

We wish you all the best and miss you! Hang in there and keep smiling with us! God is Sovereign and in control of this crazy world! We really appreciate the time you take to catch up with us and what God continues to do with our Military. Thank you so much for your support and prayers!

With Love,

-The Beaudin’s

COVID – 19 Through a Dog’s Eyes


Have you ever wondered what goes through a dog’s mind?  I have.  Nori doesn’t seem too phased or concerned by this pandemic that has caused major unrest around the world.  She bides her time daily laying in the sun… it’s a dog’s life!  She knows she will be fed and loved and she doesn’t worry about her day.  She lives it one moment at at time.  Oh! To live a dog’s life!  And yet, I’ve been reminded of some great truths watching her.

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”  – Matthew 6: 25-34

We know life has been complex for many of you and some have lost loved ones, we are deeply sorry and in prayer with and for you.  As I found myself worrying about what might become of our future and ministry here back in March, God reminded me it’s not for me to worry about.  Much like Nori, my obedience is to trust Him more than I trust myself.  Easier said than done some days but I am resolved to live my days the way my pooch does.  Trusting my master that He will take care of the heavy lifting in life.

We have been on lock down since mid-March and only time will tell how we open back up.  As for now, we are not able to have service members over for a home cooked meal and Bible study yet, but we are praying this changes soon!  Will you pray with us!

Pictures always tell better stories than words so here is our contribution for this blog post.

Band of Brothers

Our mens group Band of Brothers went virtual much like many things!  One bonus has been including our Marines who are currently deployed to Okinawa Japan to our meetings!  These meetings have been super encouraging to both Todd and Service member!

Band of Sisters

Penny continues to Co-lead her women’s bible study associated with Pearl Harbor Chapel!

HP 1

Every Friday since Mid March we’ve been virtually meeting with our Home Port Ohana!  We so miss a full house, hugs, and fellowship but we are thankful for technology!  We pray out loud for each others prayer requests & praises, study the Word of God, and fellowship afterwards until the last person signs off!

HP 2

Todd has been doing online leadership training and has been meeting with one of our Chaplains weekly to train and encourage him on the same content.


Penny and Todd have been exercising daily to keep the COVID – 19 (pounds) off!  We never tire of the beauty of Hawaii!


Just before quarantine Todd had the privilege of helping one of our Sailors find and buy her first car!


Normally Homeport Ohana prays for our service members who PCS or ETS off the island, but we had to ask an Alaskan family visiting us as quarantine begun to help us send off Ben.


We pray God’s blessing on your life Ben, as you step into the next part of your life.  Thank you for serving all of us Sailor!


Todd & Penny continued to lead hikes to get service members out of the barracks and into the sunshine to lift their spirits before everyone was told to shelter in place.  Many service members have struggled with depression and there have been suicides and deaths from drinking because of the lock down.



Our first pineapple!


The sky was literally this color one evening as Todd & Penny took a walk!


Sunday worship has been different for us too.  We watch Pearl Harbor Chapel services online as well as our home church in Soldotna!


We have taken on several projects around Home Port to fix and improve the property while sheltering in place!


Penny making new valances



Emily still doesn’t have answers to her medical questions.  The cardiologist visit did not find anything concerning – I guess that in itself is good news.


Walking on the beach for exercise!



Penny finished a baby quilt for little Annabel!  She is in the world now and snuggling in her blanket!  These two new parents are doing well!  Both have served in the Army and are a blessing to Home Port!


Our neighbors have shared some Bird of Paradise plants with us!  We are trying our best to see them grow!


It’s always bittersweet to see service members go.  We loved your presence in our lives Guhn!  May the Lord bless you in your future in business!



Penny proudly sitting next to her lily pond


As Hawaii slowly opens back up we are able to meet in small groups and have continued our hikes.  These service members haven’t seen us or each other in two months.  It was a HUGE shot of encouragement to fellowship together.


Matthew sharing a devotion with us


Thank you for taking the time to catch up with us as we continue to serve the military the best we can.  We so appreciate your partnership in financial support and prayer.  It’s awesome knowing we have all of you behind us supporting and encouraging us to reach our military with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!  Continue to pray for our brave warriors as they serve us in these difficult times!

Remember!  Live life like Nori and trust your Master!


Home Port Happenings!

Alpha Beach

The sunsets on the Islands are beautiful!  God’s creation is very evident, but even though we live in a very beautiful place, sin is ugly here.  Our mission is to be light to a dark and hopless world in the military.  We find it such a priveledge to stand alongside our Chaplains and help them.  Pray for our military!  Pray for what seems to be a decreasing chaplain core.  Pray for the families here that have loved ones deployed.  Pray that our family will continue to be a blessing to our heroes who protect our freedoms!

I (Todd) am sorry its been a little too long between blog posts.  Its been productivly busy doing ministry for the Lord here.  Penny continues to grow in her areas of influence, helping lead a womans bible study down on Pearl Harbor, working with ladies doing sewing, watching children so moms can get a break.  The military community goes it alone oftentimes without the support of family or good friends who are back home.  As an article recently said, one third of all military families have no one to ask for help.

Friday nights continue to be the night we love on service members and encourage service members to invest in those who are lost and need the gospel.  A house and a home cooked meal is much less threatening than a trip to a church building.  Our hope is for the Home Port House to continue to be a tool to reach the lost.  Please pray that our service members have courage and priority to invest in others and build solid relationships.

Well, as always, here are a bunch of pictures that tell a better story of what we’ve been up to.  If you are planning to visit the islands for vacation or work, please drop in and see us!  We love company!

ATina Goodbye

Goodbyes are all to often.  Saying goodbye to a very dear Airman. Love ya Tina!

ATrunker Treat 0-

The Beaudin Girls handing out candy and helping our Chaplains with Trunker Treat!

ATrunker Treat 1

Pearl Harbor Trunker Treat!

ATrunker Treat 2

Pearl Harbor Trunker Treat!

ATrunker Treat 3

The Linder family who attends Home Port at the Pearl Harbor Trunker Treat!

Birthdays 0

Birthdays are a big deal!  Especially when you are away from home maybe for the first time and no one knows or cares.  At Home Port, you are family and will be remembered!

Birthdays 1

Penny has a special knack for making homemade desserts for each service member’s birthday.

Birthdays 2

Penny makes a mean homemade cheese cake wiith blueberry topping!

BThanksgiving 0

During the holidays many can’t get home, so we become home!

BThanksgiving 1

What a spread for Thanksgiving Dinner!!  Much to be thankful about!

BThanksgiving 2

Getting ready to eat!

BThanksgiving 3

A fun coloring table for the Keiki’s 

BThanksgiving 4

Eating on the Lanai 

BThanksgiving 5

Serving up!

BThanksgiving 6

Games after Dinner!

BThanksgiving 7

Enjoying their home away from home.  Instutions aren’t very relaxing places, especially during the Holidays!

Calvery Chapel

Some of you ask how we recharge Spiritually and it’s done in different ways.  One thing we enjoy doing as a family is walking down the hill to the Honolulu Calvery Chapel for evening service!  Great worship and expository preaching!

Carne Asada 0

Penny and Alex (Cheeto) Vazques making dinner!

Carne Asada 1

Carne Asada and Al Pastor anyone?

Christmas at Home Port 0

The ladies of Home Port came over and helped decorate for Christmas!

Christmas at Home Port 1

Holiday Cheer!

Christmas cve Breakfast 0

You know you are loved when, unannounced you have a bunch of single Marines and a Sailor come for Breakfast!

Christmas cve Breakfast 1

Family comes in all kinds of variants!

Christmas Dinner 1

Christmas Day Dinner!

Christmas Dinner 2

Yes!  It was Delicious! 

Christmas Dinner0

Serving up!

Christmas Movie

It’s the simple things that mean so much, like joining our family for a Christmas movie and enjoying the comforts of home. (see the sailor girl laying on the floor?)

Christmas Party 0

Christmas Party 1

Kelsey and Shannon getting all the tables set up for our Christmas Party!

Christmas Party 2

Ginger Bread House competitons!

Christmas Party 3

Getting Judged!

Christmas Party 4

This table was pretty confident!

Christmas Party 5

It’s too hot for ugly Christmas sweater so we have a ugly Christmas tee shirt contest instead!

Christmas Party 6

White Elephant Gift Exchange!

Christmas Party 7

Whose number is it anyway??

Christmas Stockings 1

Another tradition we’ve carried on at Home Port is to make sure our singles get something for Christmas.

Christmas Stockings 2

Tami got to go home for Christmas, but ended up traveling all day long Christmas Day to get back to Pearl Harbor.  So we surprised her at 2345 at night at the airport!

Christmas Stockings 3Christmas Stockings 4

Christmas Stockings

Home Port family hanging out in the living room!

Christmas Tree Decoration 0

Of course, decorating the tree is something many miss while being away from home.

Christmas Tree Decoration 1

Gotta have a decorated Palm Tree too!

Curran Reveal

Shane & Katie’s gender reveal!  A baby girl is coming soon!  Pray for them, Shane is currently deployed.

David Table 0

Teaching David how to make a coffee table out of Monkey Pod wood.

David Table 1

David Table 2

Pretty fancy!

December 7th remembered

Remembering their brothers, below them, entombed in the USS Arizona

Emily Date

A Dad/Daughter date to watch the big waves on the North Shore.  Pray for Emily, she has been having health issues and will be seeing a Cardiolgist soon.

Emily Engaged

I tell her that her heart problems have to do with the fact that she’s engaged to this Marine and he’s deployed.  The Beaudin family is looking forward to their wedding here in Hawaii on August 23rd.  (Yes, he is dad approved!)

Emily Kiss

Emily getting some love

Friday Night

A Friday night after Bible Study, enjoying dessert and fellowship!


One of our Marines, who is out, finished his College Degree!  Danielson’s family could not attend so we were there!


Hamburger anyone?  Lots of hungry mouths to feed very soon!

Kelsey Date

Dad/Daughter date with Kelsey!  She’s doing great and enjoying living in Hawaii as a teenager!

Kelsey Teaching Craft 0

Kelsey teaching a craft at Penny’s Bible Study she co-leads

Kelsey Teaching Craft 1

Lanikai Pilbox 1

Lanikai Pillbox Hike with the Home Port crew!

Lanikai Pillbox 0

Lanikai Pillbox 2

Shaka back at ya Cheeto!

Learing to Bake

So… Penny found out that Jordan REALLY likes pecan pie.  So, as the saying goes, give a man a pie and he eats once – teach a man how to make a pie and he eats Pecan pie whenever he wants! 

Marine Ball

Emily & Dale and some of the other Marines who come to Home Port at a Marine Ball!

New Years Movie 0

New Years eve is a huge temptation to get drunk with Waikiki so close.  We do a movie marathon every New Years Eve as a fun alternative.

New Years Movie 1

New Years Movie 2

New Years Eve Movie Marathon Junk Food Pot Luck!

PHCC Worship Team

Most of these people attend Home Port regularly.  This is the Pearl Harbor Chapel Worship Team!

Pink Pillbox 0

Pink Pillbox Hike out in Waianae

Pink Pillbox 1

Dale and Emily

Pink Pillbox 2

Those are some crazy roots!

Pink Pillbox 3

Dad, Emily, and Kelsey Beaudin!

Pink Pillbox 4

Pink Pillbox crew!

Pink Pillbox 5

A great place for watching sunsets!

Pink Pillbox 6Pink Pillbox 7Pink Pillbox 8


Ladies praying for each other after Bible Study on Friday Night


This picture has no filter.  This is the sunrise at our house one morning!  

Valentines 0

Valentines Day fell on a Friday Night this year so we celebrated together!

Valentines 1Valentines 2

Valentines 3

Isn’t she lovely!  Inside and out!

Wheeler Airfield 0

Up on Wheeler Airfield when helecopters come back in from flight they get a Copter Wash!

Wheeler Airfield 1

Just like a car wash!  A Copter Wash!

Wheeler Airfield 2

Got to wash off all that sea salt!


This last picture is an art piece Penny and I finished recently and resides in our living room.  It’s a reminder to us, our service members, and to you that if we REALLY care about lost people we must build a significant relationship with them in order to have the right to share the Gospel.  This is Biblical.  Join us as we love well and lead the lost to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ!

Thanks as always for your interest in what we do and for those of you who partnership and/or pray diligently with us every month with your financial gifts…. thank you.  Without you none of these pictures above would have happened.  You are so important to ministry happening here!

“How happy is anyone who has put his trust in the Lord!”  Psalm 40:4

Home Port Ministry in Oahu!


We hope this finds you well in our Lord Jesus Christ!  It’s been a while since we last updated you to what’s happening on the mission field!  So lets get to it!

Penny and I stay busy continuing our “Home away from Home” experience every Friday night for service members where we eat and then study God’s Word.  Its a pleasure to see great interaction during bible study and fellowship way into the night with some not leaving the House until 11pm!  Right now we are going through the book of John verse by verse.  The rest of our week look pastoral as we spend time helping service members and their families.  It’s a joy to spend time with them and to disciple those who desire to be discipled.   We are always saying goodbye and hello continually.  Imagine everyone in your church, even all your pastors moving on every 3 years, and what ministry would look like at your church.  This PCS season we had 2 families and one single move on.  We rejoice because we know that God can and will do great things through them wherever they are planted next!

Much has happened since our last blog post so let me tell you our story through pictures.  Here we go!


Penny and some of the MK girls at the House!  (Military Kids!)


We LOVE those who wear combat boots!  They are our favorite guests at Home Port!


The Zumwalt-Class Destroyer made a visit to Pearl Harbor


Home Port Sunday Hike with some of our people!



The Marine Band having fun at the Ala Moana Mall!


Thankful for Boutiki!  We wrote a grant for Lani furniture and we were awarded what we asked!  God is SO Good!


Grant funded new furniture!


Grant funded new furniture!


Grant funded new furniture!


The adults got new furniture.  The kids got a BOX TUNNEL!  Thanks to Kelsey for making it!



Building the cross for Night at the Cross



Easter Dinner with our Home Port Family!


Easter Dinner with our Home Port Family!


Enter a Easter Dinner with our Home Port Family!


Easter Dinner with our Home Port Family!


Easter Dinner with our Home Port Family!


When your dad is deployed, you miss him.  Such an honor for Todd to fill in for a short time!


She would set her shoes on top of Todd’s everytime she came over.   🙂


Clebe McClary was a guest speaker one night!


Not sure who he is?  Google it 🙂


Monday Nights Todd leads Band of Brothers, a men’s Bible Study


Home Port Sunday Hikes are lots of fun!



Just a day at Pearl Harbor!


Helping with the Pearl Harbor Chapel VBS!  Always a priveledge to help our Chaplains!


Kelsey braved a flight to Alaska for the summer to work at Solid Rock Bible Camp!  Very thankful for the Nabingers taking her in on the weekends and loving on her!


Guhn Kim cooking Korean Short Ribs and Huli Huli Chicken for Friday Night!


This is a video of what a Friday Night at Home Port looks like


Saying goodbye to the Roubicek family.  We miss you guys!



Praying for Nathan & Alicia as weil as Cruz and Austin who were heading into the Army


Unfortunatly, several weeks later Austin died in the Army of a brain injury.  Please keep his family in your prayers.  Matt to the right spent a lot of time with him.  Austin gave his life to the Lord this Summer, so we rejoice.


Before Alicia PCS’ed with her family she got Baptized!



It’s always a joy to be included to the party to celebrate rank promotion!  Job well done Shane!



Char is a part of the Cadence family and ministers to women at the Marine Base.  We love Char!



Penny making Play-Doh with the girls!


Even though its a rental, Todd just cant help improving these guys “Home away from Home.”



Goodbye Rudy.  We celebrate with you as you leave the Marines and head to Seminary.  May God richly bless your ministry in the near future!


Isn’t she lovely!


Another Home Port Sunday Hike with our people!  So much beauty in God’s Creaton!



Kelsey made it back home from a summer serving the Lord in Alaska!


Who sayz Hawaii Boyz don’t smoke Alaska Salmon!  Thankful for friends who bring me fish!


Hiking the North Shore with the Home Port Crew!



Memorial for the Marine Chopper that crashed off the North Shore


Sometimes love happens right before our eyes at Hospitality Houses!  Todd was honored to be asked to officiate the BIG DAY back in Upstate NY!



Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce you to Luke & Lindsey Grossmann!



Love this girl!


We stopped in Montana to see Emily.  She has since moved home and we are so thankful to get a litle more time with her as that happens less as they grow older!


Saying goodbye to the Harvey family.  We miss you all very much!

Thanks as always for taking time to see what we are doing.  Dont stop praying.  There is so much more I’d love to share with you all, but confidentiality prevents me from doing so.  What you see is only the tip of the iceberg of ministry to the Military.  Blessings to each of you who support us, without you this blog wouldn’t exist.

With Love, 

– The Beaudin’s

 “Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.”          Psalm 36:5


So thankful to be in Oahu and serving the men and women of the military!  Come visit us!