Merry Christmas from the Beaudin’s!


As you prepare to celebrate the day our Savior was born this week, the Beaudin family would like to wish you a Merry Christmas!  We are ready with anticipation for Christmas Day as we celebrate along with our soldier friends & family who cannot get home for Christmas this year.  Would you all do us a huge favor?  Would you include us all in your Christmas dinner prayer?  I know it would mean a lot for the families and soldiers who are here at Ft. Drum and also all those who are deployed downrange.

We want to thank each of you who pray for us here at Ft. Drum, thank you as well for your financial gifts to God who sustains us daily!  We couldn’t do this ministry without each of you, your prayers are felt so please keep up the good work!

Here is what you can pray for:

  • Soldiers with PTSD & TBI’s that are battling it.
  • Those who can’t get home for Christmas.  This is a dark time of the year for many who do not know Jesus as their Savior as they sit in their barracks not willing to come out to the Hospitality House.  Pray that they might hear about us and be encouraged to join us for Christmas!
  • Pray for our families who are PCS’ing or have already done so.  That they would find solid churches and strong fellowship & discipleship with other believers wherever they may end up.  That they might be missionaries to lost soldiers they work with everyday.
  • Our Chaplains and their families, for their battle everyday as they laboriously work to share the Gospel with lost soldiers.  Pray for their wives and children as well, I believe their plate is twice as full as a civilian pastors family.
  • Pray for Todd as he prepares to teach the Scriptures, for Penny as she cooks, for both of them as they invest into soldiers and soldiers wives, for Emily as she seeks direction for the future, and for Kelsey as she makes new friends because those she now has are PCS’ing soon.
  • Pray that the Beaudin family might be used in mighty ways for our Lord in 2017.

We’ve certainly been busy this year investing into the lives of our soldiers and building them up through Bible Study, discipleship, mentorship, and counseling.  Here’s some recent pictures for you to see what we’ve been up to lately!


Soldiers leave all the time.  It’s always bittersweet, excited for them to be the light of the Gospel in foreign lands when they deploy or PCS to a different Fort in the States.  Andrew is signing the Drum-stick on his last night here.


Jordan helping me blow insulation into the attic of the Hospitality House.


Todd blowing a foot of fiberglass insulation over the top of the urethane spray foam that was put down this spring.  The heating bills are much less praise the Lord!


Penny battling her fear of heights and taking great pictures!



Fall is spectacular in the North Country!  This is close to the Hospitality House.


A thankfulness tree made by a wife of a soldier!


We are very thankful that they are thankful for this ministry!


Welcome to the Hospitality House!


Fall is a serious time for leaves!  They are half a foot deep out there!


Penny and I attended the East coast Cadence retreat in Asheville, NC which was very refreshing and rewarding!  This picture is of us with our boss Danny and his wife Kathryn.  They have been a blessing and an encouragement to us!


We were blessed to have Todd’s Grandma with us for two weeks and his brother, sister and her husband and daughter with us for a weekend!


Grandma and Penny in the kitchen making dinner for the solders and their family at the Hospitality House!


Thanksgiving Day was a busy day feeding a packed house full of our Heroes!



The staircase “before” picture


Todd sanding everything before new paint


Penny doing her magic!


It’s all in the details!


The staircase “after” picture


Kelsey loving on our soldiers dogs that we dog-sit from time to time!



The old table that would sit 10 people


Bringing in the new table that was custom built by a local craftsman just for this room



The new table!  Seating for up to 16 soldiers & family


Thank you plaques for our local businesses that have donated over $20,000 in supplies for the renovation of the house this year!  Praise God!


Emily continues to sing on the worship team from time to time.  She did an acapella solo of “Thank you Soldiers” on Veteran’s day Sunday.  She knocked it out of the park, we are proud of her! 


Trying to make the front of the Hospitality House as warm and inviting for Christmas as we can!


David being goofy helping Todd get the Christmas tree upright and in the stand!



We had a houseful of soldiers to help us decorate the tree together!


Soldiers competitive at games??  Naw!



We prayed for Curtis while deployed almost every week as a group.  Imagine our surprise when he just waltzes through the door after 9 months in Kuwait and Iraq!  Glad to get Curtis, Josh, and Chris back home!


This table is a hit with everyone!


Penny and I snuck off to Maui for two weeks to celebrate our 25th!  We couldn’t do it in May because we had a construction team here from Alaska for renovation on the house.


Merry Christmas!

We wish you and your family a blessed Christmas!

-Todd, Penny, Emily, & Kelsey!