Military Life & Ministry in Oahu!

It’s been a while since we updated you, our partners, in ministry on what’s going on here in Oahu. We promise you…we’ve not been taking a siesta on the beach lazing the days away! Covid restrictions are gone for good (we pray) as of March 25, 2022! That means no limitations on size of groups, masks, or travel! Praise the Lord! Our numbers are starting to pick back up at Home Port and we still have two other homes that are open alongside us in different places on the Island. Todd continues to teach via zoom from Home Port to the other houses and we all serve the same food. Ministry has been plentiful and our personal lives have been quite busy!

We so appreciate each of you that pray for the ministry here and/or support it financially. We feel it and appreciate your faithfulness to uplift us and our service members to the Lord! They have had difficult times, sometimes dealing with toxic leadership, covid restrictions, and most of the Pearl Harbor Joint Base Housing suffered a jet fuel leak into their water system. This has caused most of them to evacuate base in search for alternate housing where it is already in such short supply and very expensive. Well over 60K people are affected. Please keep them in your prayers. Also, as tensions rise in the world between Ukraine and Russia many feel the weight of this. Join us in keeping our warriors in prayer.

There are a lot of photos below, but I wanted to bring you up to speed, so enjoy seeing our military Ohana and us do life together as we share the gospel and teach them to do the same!

Band of Brothers Men’s Bible Study
Band of Brothers Men’s Bible Study
Band of Brothers Mens Bible Study
Christmas Party Ginger Bread House Competitions
Christmas Party Ginger Bread House Competitions
White Elephant Gift Exchange
Penny making cookies with a Service member’s daughters
Ready for Christmas Dinner!
Ready for Christmas Dinner!
Ready for Christmas Dinner!
Ready for Christmas Dinner!
Ready for Christmas Dinner!
Ready for Christmas Dinner!
Christmas Dinner!
Home Port kids coloring beautifully!
New Years Eve we had a movie marathon with good clean fun!
We hosted a steak dinner to thank our Chaplains we work with at Pearl Harbor/Hickam and Scholfield Barracks
(l to r) Paul & Sandra Bradley (our boss) Chaplain Potter & family, and Chaplain Braswell and his wife
Todd has the honor of playing for Pearl Harbor and Scholfield Barracks chapels for worship!
Kelsey is gainfully employed at Dave’s Ice Cream! She is getting really strong arms scooping ice cream!
Mother and Daughter
One of Todd’s old youth group kids is a pilot in the Air Force! He happened to be on island for a day.
One of our service members being baptized by Chaplain Potter
Penny and her ladies having a planning meeting and breakfast!
Baby Shower!
Intense game of cards with some of our Home Port Ohana!
Breakfast for Dinner is always a Winner!
Home Cooked Food, Fellowship, and Bible Study! Nourishment for Body & Soul!
Ya, It actually gets cold in Hawaii sometines!
Oh Nori!
Todd talking to the guys before dinner
Todd, Guhn, & Kurt performing at a coffee shop playing Christian Music for our Home Port Ohana and the Public.
Hikes with our service members!
Hikes with our service members!
Hikes with our service members!
A typical Friday Night Bible Study & Prayer
A typical Friday Night Bible Study & Prayer
Praying before Dinner!
Praying for and saying goodbye to the Linder Family
Saying goodbye to the Brendle Family
The Beauty of Hawaii surrounds us!
The Beauty of Hawaii surrounds us!
The Beauty of Hawaii surrounds us!
The Beauty of Hawaii surrounds us!
The Beauty of Hawaii surrounds us!
The Beauty of Hawaii surrounds us!
Kelsey making sure her dad stays fit climbing Koko Head!
Kelsey making sure her dad stays fit climbing Koko Head!
Kelsey making sure her dad stays fit climbing Koko Head!
Kelsey making sure her dad stays fit climbing Koko Head!
Backside of Koko Head
View of Koko Head from the Ocean
Nori posing for her portrait!
Nori enjoys the extra attention and our service members really enjoy playing with her!
Nori getting some love
Todd had the opportunity to be a part of a very rare opportunity that happened on Dec. 7th, the day Pearl Harbor was attacked. He helped interr possibly the last shipmate of the USS Arizona
Todd had the opportunity to be a part of a very rare opportunity that happened on Dec. 7th, the day Pearl Harbor was attacked. He helped interr possibly the last shipmate of the USS Arizona
Todd had the opportunity to be a part of a very rare opportunity that happened on Dec. 7th, the day Pearl Harbor was attacked. He helped interr possibly the last shipmate of the USS Arizona
Todd had the opportunity to be a part of a very rare opportunity that happened on Dec. 7th, the day Pearl Harbor was attacked. He helped interr possibly the last shipmate of the USS Arizona
Todd had the opportunity to be a part of a very rare opportunity that happened on Dec. 7th, the day Pearl Harbor was attacked. He helped interr possibly the last shipmate of the USS Arizona
Todd had the opportunity to be a part of a very rare opportunity that happened on Dec. 7th, the day Pearl Harbor was attacked. He helped interr possibly the last shipmate of the USS Arizona
Todd had the opportunity to be a part of a very rare opportunity that happened on Dec. 7th, the day Pearl Harbor was attacked. He helped interr possibly the last shipmate of the USS Arizona
Todd had the opportunity to be a part of a very rare opportunity that happened on Dec. 7th, the day Pearl Harbor was attacked. He helped interr possibly the last shipmate of the USS Arizona
Todd had the opportunity to be a part of a very rare opportunity that happened on Dec. 7th, the day Pearl Harbor was attacked. He helped interr possibly the last shipmate of the USS Arizona
We celebrated the arrival of our first Grand baby, Penny Rose! Congrats Dale and Emily!
We celebrated the arrival of our first Grand baby, Penny Rose! Congrats Dale and Emily!
Todd holding his daughter Emily
Todd holding his Grand daughter Penny Rose!
Nana enjoying some snuggle time!
In the same week our Grand daughter was born Todd lost his mother
Both of his biological parents are gone now.
Penny and her quilting ladies she teaches. They work on quilts and of course, much mentorship happens through life discussions and the Word of God!
I guess quilting ladies go to the bathroom together!
Cheryl’s first quilt!
Thankful for John & Elizabeth Nussbaum coming to help do some work around Home Port!
Thankful for John & Elizabeth Nussbaum coming to help do some work around Home Port!
The Mayer’s came over to visit us and Eric helped Todd with some Home Port Projects as well!
Spending the day at the beach with the Page family!

Thanks for taking the time to catch up on all that is happened in the last several months! We love you all and anticipate the day we get to see you in the future, either here or there or in the air! May God get all the praise for what He is doing in our lives and the lives of our service members!

Blessings from the Beaudin’s!